A good example is the war in Ukraine. Among the people who were filmed there as being heavily invested in extending Ukraine’s war are Blackrock Corp., and also Jamie Dimon of the world’s largest bank, JPMorgan/Chase;and among the politicians who likewise are shown there to be implicated in and supportive of this war by the billionaires, are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell.

Furthermore, there is a stunning segment that is shown in it from the only U.S. Presidential candidate who is passionately opposed to continuing this war, and who is fully knowledgeable about what the U.S.-and-allied actual objective is in extending it until Russia will be defeated and the $300+ billion that those investors had loaned to Ukraine will get paid back to them with interest, by stripping the Ukrainian people of virtually all of their pensions and social and educational services and left destitute and tax-indebted to reimburse all of those loans. That explanation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is entirely true. He is talking about the U.S. mega-corporations who are heavily invested in it; and these corporations are likewise major in the portfolios of financial giants such as Blackrock and JPMorgan/Chase. The heaviest personal investors in all of these megacorporations are U.S.-and-allied billionaires, and they will be the huge losers if Ukraine fails to defeat Russia in this war.

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